Want to make a change but don’t know where to start?
The practical 30-day guide to radically reducing your waste by 80 percent, from waste warrior Anita Vandyke.
Anita Vandyke wants to show you that by living zero waste, you actually gain more - more time, more money and more life.
A Zero Waste Life is the ultimate guide to radically reducing your waste, without losing your lifestyle. In her 30-day challenge, Anita provides you with the rules, tips and tricks you need to eliminate plastic and live a cleaner, kinder life.
This practical audiobook is a call to action with a fresh ‘can do’ approach. Over 30 days you will learn how to make sustainable, ethical choices when it comes to shopping, eating, travel, beauty and so much more. Small changes can make a big difference, and by following these easy, creative steps we can all do more to save our world. These are the inside tips of a waste warrior and former engineer whose life has changed from excess to eco-luxe.
Isn’t that what we all want - a life of happiness, a life of luxury, a life that isn’t wasted?
Anita Vandyke is a qualified rocket scientist and medical doctor (with Bachelor of Engineering - Aeronautical Space, and Doctor of Medicine degrees) and, most importantly, mother to Vivian. She was born in Guangzhou, China, raised in Australia, and currently splits her time between Sydney and San Francisco. Her first book, A Zero Waste Life, won Gold at the Nautilus Book Awards in 2019 and has been translated into seven languages. Anita writes about motherhood, zero waste living, and minimalism on Instagram at @rocket_science, where she has nearly one million followers
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