Are you ready to embrace the life-changing potential of your dreams? This unique, first-of-its-kind oracle deck offers 48 proven dreamwork rituals, powered by the potent energy of the moon to unlock your nocturnal intuition.
Your dreams offer a gateway between your conscious waking life and your subconscious dreaming state. The 48 cards in this deck encourage you to explore the profound messages they can offer, gently guiding you to a more fulfilled and meaningful life. The accompanying booklet provides proven dreamwork rituals for each card alongside more tools that can be used to train your brain to recall your dreams and their precious wisdom more easily.
The cards are powered by the potent energy of the moon and its key phases, to help you unlock your nocturnal intuition. By performing the dreamwork rituals in the moon phase featured on each card you can significantly enhance their power.
Let your dreams be your guide.
Theresa Cheung is a modern mystic and Sunday Times bestselling dreams, spiritual and paranormal author. Since leaving King’s College, Cambridge University with a degree in Theology and English she has written numerous bestselling books and encyclopedias which have been translated into dozens of different languages. Her mission and her passion is to make spirituality and the paranormal more credible, engaging and mainstream.
Noelle T.'s artwork is a celebration of the beauty and mystery of the night sky. She has always been fascinated by the moon and the stars, and seeks to capture their enchanting quality in my illustrations. Through the use of vivid colors, intricate patterns, and a touch of magic, Noelle hopes to convey the sense of wonder and awe that the night sky evokes.
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