Bring the cool & spicy tones of Greyhaven to your home and your own daily rhythm — turn your feet towards the sea and start walking. As you emerge from the woods you enter a bustling town pressing against the ocean. The air is swirling with salt, brine, green moss and white wine. The smells of the spice market and morning rain. It's time to rest. Made in the U.S. from natural materials.
Good work is undeniable — it's known by the value it brings and the character it has. Misc. Goods Co builds products with practical purpose and strives to be good at what they do, good to others and good in general for goodness sake. Manufactured in America, their products are timeless in form and use.
2002 NW Market Street
Seattle WA 98107
+1 206 457 5709
Mon-Sat: 10am to 6pm
Sun: 11am to 5pm
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