With amazing facts and awe-inspiring illustrations, What the Dinosaurs Saw is a vibrant depiction of the earliest days of our universe and life on Earth.
Our whole universe began as a tiny dot, filled with so much hot, dense energy that it burst. This event was the Big Bang, and from the remnants of that explosion, our whole universe was born. From those earliest beginnings 3.5 billion years ago to the mighty dinosaurs who roamed Earth 250 million years ago, this is the story of how life adapted, evolved, and survived exploding stars, flying meteoroids, and natural disasters.
Watch our world come to life amid bubbling volcanoes and electrical storms in this vibrantly illustrated account of life on Earth before humans.
Fatti Burke is an illustrator from Co. Waterford, Ireland. What the Dinosaurs Saw is the first book she has authored as well as illustrated. Fatti lives in Portugal.
2002 NW Market Street
Seattle WA 98107
+1 206 457 5709
Mon-Sat: 10am to 6pm
Sun: 11am to 5pm
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