Take sanctuary in your own windmill! Settle on top of a mossy mound in a terrarium or keep this playful trinket on your desk or collector's shelf. The propellers can spin with a gentle push. The windmill is etched with detailed arch windows, and a door to enter at the side.
This miniature house diy kit easily assembles by folding the metal into shape. No adhesives are required but tweezers or small pliers may be helpful to bend parts into shape.
Another Studio is a London based independent design studio that creates something a little different. Founded by Aimée Furnival in 2009, they believe a creative idea combined with playful exploration will result in original and distinctive designs.
2002 NW Market Street
Seattle WA 98107
+1 206 457 5709
Mon-Sat: 10am to 6pm
Sun: 11am to 5pm
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